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Tips to Overcome Hair Loss

mengatasi rambut rontokcope with hair rontokPada basically we can not avoid the problem of hair loss because every day there are about 50-100 hair loss caused by the cycle of hair growth itself. Cope with hair loss, of course not intended for this type of hair loss. Before we talk about tips to overcome hair loss, it's good for us to know some of the causes of hair loss so that we can be sure which method is most appropriate to address the hair loss.
Here are some common causes of hair loss, namely:

1. Caused by infection, some diseases and the use of postoperative medications such as diabetes, thyroid disease, chemotherapy.
2. Caused by genetic factors
3. Caused by abnormalities in the body's immune system diseases such as alopecia areata, androgenic alopecia that causes baldness.
4. Due to hormonal imbalance in the body such as menopause, after childbirth, the use of contraception like birth control pills.
Knowing the causes of hair loss will help us to determine the best method in dealing with hair loss.
Special care to cope with hair loss that requires medical supervision can generally be applied in dealing with hair loss caused by the disease, abnormalities in the immune system and drugs. Cope with hair loss caused by drug use, stress and iron deficiency can be done by addressing the causes. Once the causative factor can be resolved, the automatic hair loss will stop by itself. Meanwhile, to cope with hair loss caused by infection with antibiotics is usually done. Meanwhile, to cope with hair loss due to alopecia areata can be done by injecting steroids in areas that fall out. While cope with hair loss due to alopecia androgenia can be overcome with a wig because for this case can not be cured.
There are many tips to cope with hair loss as well as care for and beautify your hair that you can learn and apply according to your hair needs. Here are some easy tips to cope with hair loss that you can do yourself at home:

* Avoid using hair care products such as shampoo, conditioner, toning, hairspray, gel, etc. that contain too many chemicals. The content of existing chemicals in these products can cause damage and loss of hair. To cope with hair loss, should you choose a product derived from natural ingredients and herbs.
* To cope with hair loss, change your habits in washing your hair or shampooing as follows:

1. Avoid shampooing using water that is too hot
2. Avoid shampooing more than 2x a week. Use a gentle shampoo and not too hard.
3. Do not comb your hair back (inverted) or combing hair too hard because it will most likely cause your hair to fall out. Use a good quality comb.
4. Massage scalp thoroughly for 10-15 minutes after shampooing. This is to help stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the hair roots.


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